As usual, go into your mindful state, using the guidance from Steps 1 and 2. Be aware of your posture, and if possible, use a light to focus.
If you cannot do that properly yet, I recommend you go back to the Introduction and Steps 1 and 2 and practice them until you can.
This may take you a week at each stage, depending on the length of the disconnection from your true Nature (read Authenticity: Unveiling your True Nature as a Digital Nomad) and your general health/condition, etc. For more insights into self-care while travelling, please read: Importance Of Self-Care For Digital Nomads.
It is also important that you know yourself to be able to dive into a mindful state. The Power of Self-Knowledge: Navigating the Digital Nomad Journey.

Breathing: the fundamentals of gratitude
Many of us take every breath we make for granted.
We expect to be able to breathe, don’t we?
However, one day. we will not be able to take the next breath, and this awakening will bring you to a state of gratitude for each breath.
First, we should be thankful that the Earth provides oxygen, which our miraculous bodies can convert into nourishment to sustain our lives.
Secondly, the miracle of the lungs then rejects the positions that would kill us if they circulated through our bloodstream. This is also something to be incredibly grateful for.
Every morning, I wake up and am grateful that I have survived the night by breathing and the miracle of my body to allow me to breathe while sleeping. Then, I am incredibly grateful that I can borrow life-giving oxygen from the Earth, our unique planet.
So, feel this gratitude during your mindful practice and then again during the day when you walk quickly, sigh, sing or laugh. All of these activities would be impossible without breath.
By now, your breathing will be slower and deeper, and this will begin to change how you feel, sit or stand, and how you use your voice to speak.
Returning to the Outside World
Always come back from your mindful period slowly, opening your eyes gradually. As you do so, feel the area behind your eyes, which should be soft and warm.
Move slowly, as you could be light-headed.
Then repeat the words of Step 3, Affirmation. This will only be effective if you say the words carefully with feeling.
Affirmation: “I am rooted in the tranquility of my inner being.”
Please feel free to return to Steps 1 and 2 from time to time, if you feel you could go deeper.
5-step Mindful Practice links
5-step Mindful Practice for Digital Nomads, Remote Workers & Long Term Travellers
- Introduction to 5-step Mindful Practice
- Step 1: Connecting with the Present Moment
- Step 2: Engaging with Sounds & Awareness
- Step 3: Deepening Your State – Delving into Inner Stillness
- Step 4: Allowing the Mind to Empty- Polishing your Diamond
- Step 5: Visualisation – Harnessing the Power of Imagination