Welcome to this new site, the perfect companion for your travels as a Digital Nomad.
Over my fantastic, long life, I have gathered many skills and wisdom about my passion and yours – travel adventures that never end and money that never runs out! I’d like to share them with you here. You can read more about the course of my life and my qualifications in About Linden.
As a writer, it is the perfect time to write when I’m on the move. The movement and sense of never-arriving, gets the creative juices going. I’ve written many things on the move, e.g. when I worked in a traditional job, I wrote a full-length novel on my iPad during my 4-hour daily commute on crowded Japanese trains.
I spent my second-hand life as a mindful educator and alternative practitioner to pay the bills. But I recently dived like a dolphin into my First-Hand Life as a netpreneur and First-Hand Life crusader, so now I have the time to deploy my many skills and strategies to help guide others. They say that:
“wisdom cannot be rushed. It comes in its own time”
You genuinely have wisdom if you live mindfully as I have, always trying to listen to and follow my heart. It’s not just about experience at all. We have to be fully aware and reflect on what happens to us.
So, I will bring my knowledge and skills to widen your horizons on this site. I can offer you so many insights into both writing and living magically. Nowadays, I live and flourish in Japan, where I came initially to spend three years as a University teacher, but I’m still here 20 years later. I have learned so much from this extraordinary culture bobbing on the Pacific in the Far East of the world.
I have been a Buddhist for the majority of my life, although I was born into a Christian home in northern Britain. There’s much to share with you about my Buddhist journey, too. Suffice it to say that I started when I was in my late teens to live the Buddhist teachings and now towards the end of my life, I have reached the final teachings when Buddha was approaching his Nirvana – the death of a Buddha – here in Japan.
I wish you great joy and insights on your adventures roaming the world.