I am a passionate individual in everything I do! I have spent most of my second-hand life as a mindful educator, leading my students towards success and enlightening them. I am passionate about education and always have been. You may wonder what a second-hand life is. Well, it’s what most nomads try to escape – a life of sacrificing our values, continual compromise, and 9-5 hourly-paid drudgery to line someone else’s pocket. And if you are on the road like me, congratulations! You have escaped this lifetime of incarceration, which people call living! More of this soon.
I have also travelled the spiritual path most of my life, always attracted to the invisible world. Not the world of ghosts, but the world where every thought and feeling of every individual on the planet creates their lives. I’ll tell you much more about this in my articles and content tutorial series when I show you how to use this as a daily strategy.

Short bio
I’m British and started as a professional musician. I became fascinated by communication skills, mastered teaching English as a second/foreign/academic language to non-natives, and began to travel and teach. I’ve taught in most places in the world, but Japan is my base now. I’m still a nomad and always will be. As an educator, my style has always been the mindful route. As an Alternative Practitioner (Alexander Technique Writing; Feldenkrais; Kiko; healing; music/sound therapy) I have integrated my trainings in all aspects of my life.
Writing has been my passion and therapy throughout my life – I’ve written four novels, several non-fiction works, and hundreds of articles and papers. I trained as a UX CopyWriter with AWAI, but I don’t earn a living that way any more. I’m living my first-hand life, putting all my energy into being a netpreneur and loving it. I’m on a millionaire challenge (on Day 60 as I write this) and aim to reach my first million in 18 months. I’m also a lifelong Buddhist – involved in many different sects, a Dharma teacher and ordained as a Priest. You can read more about my spiritual insights at Jambhala Wealth.
My most recent project is helping second-hand lifers move into their First-Hand Life to realise their dreams of success and wealth online. I feel passionate that everyone, no matter their status – i.e. regardless of age, disabilities, sexuality or disadvantages – should create a digital ID for the future. With recessions looming and more pandemics straining at the seams, we all need to have a marketplace to go to. But you won’t stand a chance if you have no awareness of all things digital. So, I’ve created a site to deal with this: First-Hand Life.