Mindful Strategies for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers

a peacock accompanies a woman meditating in a desert oasis as she finds her true nature
Logo for Flourish Write Consult. A digital nomad dressed in orange robes sites crosslegged in meditation with a lap top computer open on their lap.

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4 thoughts on “Mindful Strategies for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers”

  1. Hi Linden,
    I just read your piece on “Mindfulness for Digital Nomads and Remote Workers,” and it truly resonated with me. As someone who’s been navigating remote work for a while, the emphasis on mindfulness as a core skill for well-being and productivity hit home. I’ve personally found that a mindful morning routine does wonders for setting the right tone for my day, but I’m always looking for ways to deepen my practice. Your detailed introduction to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques, particularly mindful breathing and movement, opened up new ways I’m keen to explore. Could you perhaps share more about integrating mindfulness into work routines without it feeling like just another task on our to-do list?
    Thank you for your work and for sharing.


    • Hi again Makhsud,

      If your mindful practice is working for you, then it should feel that you are fitting the work schedule into the mindful practice and not the other way around. Mindfulness is about your precious spirit; the work schedule should always come second.

      I crave mindfulness all the time, and nowadays, I can manage it mostly, even while I’m busy! I would suggest that you need a stronger foundation practice. Mindful practice—try this 5-step process, which should take about 6 weeks if you do it properly every day! Morning is best. You will find a compendium of mindful practices for many aspects of life at https://jambhalawealth.com .

      Good luck in going a little deeper.



  2. Your article on mindful strategies for digital nomads and remote workers is a thoughtful and insightful exploration of a topic that is increasingly relevant in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Your comprehensive breakdown of mindfulness techniques, from establishing a mindful morning routine to harnessing digital tools for enhanced mindfulness, offers practical guidance for individuals seeking to incorporate mindfulness into their remote work routines. Your emphasis on the holistic benefits of mindfulness, not only for personal well-being but also for professional growth, underscores the transformative power of this practice in navigating the challenges of remote work environments. What inspired you to delve into the topic of mindfulness for digital nomads and remote workers, and how has your own experience influenced your understanding of the importance of mindfulness in navigating remote work environments?

    • Hi again. I have been a mindful educator most of my life, so mindful practice and meditation are my solutions to any and all problems. If we do not connect with our true selves, we will never find mental balance in the madness of the modern world. 

      The root of all my mindful work is my long career as a Buddhist. You may find my Buddhist site interesting: https://jambhalawealth.com.

      You will see the progression of my life there and my work as a Tibetan Buddhist for many years. 

      I also recently worked remotely and started guiding people working from home when the pandemic started. I think many people don’t have the inner resources to cope with the isolation that this kind of lifestyle provokes, so I really want to help.

      Thank you for expressing such interest, Ashley. 

      Loving Kindness + Blessings.


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